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Physical Education Procedures

Southington High School Physical Education Procedures

Students are required to earn 1 credit of physical education in order to graduate. Sophomore year, students will take PE I to earn a half credit, and during senior year they will take PE II to earn another half credit. Each PE course is a semester in length. Physical Education is a movement-based course, and therefore all students are expected and required to wear sneakers and appropriate attire to ensure their safety during activities.

PE Expectations 2023-2024

Physical Education Procedures and Practices for Missed Classes

In what situations can I make up a class?

  • Students with a Verified/Excused Absence (sick, appointment, school counseling, field trip, etc) may make up class. Students are responsible for completing a PE makeup assignment. This is for credit, and must be completed within 7 days of missed class. Students with an unexcused Absence/Behavior Concern (Unprepared for class, Class cuts, Loss of credit due to behavior or safety concerns) are not eligible to make up this class for credit.

How do I make up class?

  • 1 Class Missed: Makeup consists of 60 minutes of any physical activity, including warming up and cooling down, done on your own time and with evidence provided.
  • When should I complete this type of makeup? Absence from school; School Related Class Absences (Guidance Appointment, Field Trip, Administration Appointment, Valid Nurses Visit)
  • 2-5 Classes Missed: A student is considered ineligible to participate if he or she is medically excused from class by a doctor. The student will not participate, but must still attend class during the medical. Once cleared to return, the student will be required to make up all classes that are missed because of medical reasons. Documentation from your doctor is required for all medical excuses.

  • 6 or More Classes Missed: In the case of a long term medical, we will make every effort to accommodate the student with an appropriate adapted physical education experience. We will provide an alternative activity which is allowed by the doctor. The adapted medical form is available in the nurse’s office. Documentation from your doctor is required for all medical excuses. If you go to the doctor, get a medical note. Bring the note to the nurse (PE TEACHERS DO NOT ACCEPT Doctor or Parent NOTES ). The nurse will give you a green form, bring that green form to your PE teacher!

Please note: If a student is not able to participate in PE for medical reasons, they can not participate in SHS sports.

SHS PE Make-Up Procedures