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Mr. Thomas Hinman, Jr. - Department Leader

860-628-3229 ext. 11243

Summer Math Packets

Please find the appropriate link below for the course you are entering in the 2023-2024 School Year. Review the attached letter and be prepared to submit your work on the first or second day of the course. 

Algebra I Geometry
Algebra II PreCalculus
Intermediate Algebra Calculus
AP Calculus AP Calculus Solutions


Online Access to Math Books

The Math Department, in conjunction with the publishers of the math books, are offering students the opportunity to access their math books online. This feature is available for students enrolled in Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2.

The links will provide specific instructions on how to access the the online services.
Algebra 1
Pre Calculus.


Southington High School Mathematics Department Course Equivalency Procedures


Over the last few years, an increasing number of students have enrolled in Mathematics courses outside of Southington High School with the intention of bypassing the recommended course made by his or her mathematics teacher for the following school year. While the Mathematics Department recognizes that such an act by a student is admirable, it also must make sure that the best interests of the student are considered. 

Course Equivalency Procedures Letter 


Math Lab Opens at SHS

Need extra help? Visit the lab in the library during periods 1,4,5,6,7 and 8. A Math Teacher will be available for assistance. Math Lab Policies and Procedures information. You can use the link here to access our sign-up in advance or sign-in when you arrive to the lab. 

Calculator Loan Contract
SHS has a limited amount of calculators available for student use. Read the policy and contract. For more information, contact Mr. Hinman, Department Leader or Mr. Victor, Assistant Department Leader. 


Math Requirements at SHS

Students must earn three credits in mathematics towards their graduation requirement but are encouraged to take four credits before graduation. Students and parents are encouraged to work closely with teachers and guidance counselors to plan an appropriate mathematics program. Students should choose courses carefully with their own abilities, achievements, interests, and goals in mind. In general, students should not choose a course which has a lower number than one that has already been completed satisfactorily.